"If a students has "given up" on school, there should be active and continual planning to help the student reconnect with the power of learning to positively shape his or her life."
I love this quote because as I stated earlier one of the hardest things for me is to see people give up on themselves by not believing they can do it. This quote fits my motto perfectly by saying that we as differentiating teachers cannot allow that to happen. It is our responsibility to help them believe in themselves and find the love and the power in learning. Learning is one of the keystones in life and if it is "given up" on early or in fact at anytime in life, it will help diminish the person (students') well-being and desire to learn.
My goal in this teaching process is to help students. Helping students is also linked with believing in them and showing it to them by being positive and helpful. I especially love this quote because I have seen so many students "give up" on themselves because they felt nobody believed in them and that lack of belief turned in to experimenting with horrible things such as drugs, alcohol, and violence because that is where they felt the most gratification. This is NOT what we as teachers should be seeing or relying on. Each student has a lot to offer and if they received that different way of attention (learning) then they can share with the world and with themselves the importance of learning and the importance of who each of these children are.
This post is a lot longer than expected. Who knew that someone could be so passionate about a simple but impactful quote? This quote helps me to see what differentiated learning is and how using it helps a child's self-esteem and self worth which leads to self efficacy as stated in chapter 2. This is an important cycle in learning!
I LOVED seeing that passion come out! This is the real stuff that keeps teachers working at it, in spite of the difficulties, to really REACH the children. All of them, in some way, at some time. Good for you! 4 points